Wednesday, May 20, 2009

March of the....

Penguin. I'm like a penguin. Or elephant, but people usually associated either weight gain or hunger towards elephants so I'll stick with the penguin. They go through so much, live a boring life just to produce more life and to sustain the life they have. I don't think the word "life" could of been used more in that sentence.

The point is, when they chose a mate, it's for life. When their mate dies, they mourn it.

I'm like a penguin.
I've already found the person that I want to be with. To the point where I can honestly say I've been Emma (Jane Austin) and have prayed to God for him to just stay single. Because that would be more tolerable. hah.

I'm a penguin.

He's changed, but yet so have I. To the point where I feel I'm practically using another guy just to provoke jealousy. What has become of me? I'm frightened to know the answer.

At this rate, I don't think I could get married.
At the risk of divorce and death, I would just go mad.

I've been saying I'm trusting God, but really I'm just trying to race into the kitchen to grab the cookie before mommy finds out.

This is ridiculous.
I've lost touch with me, and I have to draw the line.
Looks like Emily Bronte will be having some one on one time with me for the rest of this week.